Donald L. Heiter Community Center donaldheiter
Smoking Cessation Program


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1.The Problem

In the town of Lewisburg there is a problem with youth smoking outside of school, on doorsteps, at the Community Center, etc... Individuals have complained to school officials and police and the Community Center Board passed a policy in September 1998 that the Center is a smoke free zone. However, young people move to new areas in town to smoke.


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2. Solutions:


The Community Center works closely with the schools in many of our programs with youth (After school Study hour, Improv Theater Troupe, Mural Project etc...) and with other agencies and organizations (Eastern Union County Recreation Authority, Lewisburg Area Recreation Authority, Convener of the Low Income Services Council etc...) to identify needs and bring citizen,s together to find solutions.

3. Proposals:


A.Long range goal: To reduce the use of tobacco by youth in Lewisburg.

B. Objective: To strengthen the voices of students who object to cigarette smoking and reduce the public acceptance of smoking through a town wide no smoking campaign.

C. Plan:

(1). Poster campaign of artwork in and on downtown windows and on billboard on Route 15 by students of the Mural Project and art classes.

(2). Media campaign of letters to the editor, articles in local and school newspapers. PSA's, decals and T-shirts. An essay contest through the school English and Social Studies classes coordinated by the Community Center.

(3). Youth developed anti-smoking component to Center's Web Site.

(4). Educational skits about living smoke free performed for Elementary and Middle School students by the Middle School Improv Theater Troupe.

(5). Stop Smoking classes offered by the local hospitals to adults and youth at the Center with incentives for completion and news coverage; coordinated by the Community Center

(6). Youth Dance held at Community Center with educational components and proceeds to support further work.

4. Collaborations:


The Center will collaborate with the following organizations to carry out the project.
The Elementary, Middle and High Schools, in particular the English, Art, and Social Studies classes (through the teachers).

The Lewisburg Business and Professional Association.

The Evangelical Community Hospital and Geisinger medical Center.

The Lewisburg Daily Journal, and Sunbury Daily Item Newspapers, as well as other local papers.

The Parent Teacher Student Associations of all of the schools.

Eastern Union County Recreation Authority.

The Middle School/Community Center Improv Theater Troupe, Young Men's & Young Women's Groups of the Community Center, After-School Study Hour.


Anyone who may be interested in assisting or participating in this program should contact;
The Donald Heiter Community Center

(570) 524-5000

